Piano Orchestra FAQs — Music Pillars
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What is the time commitment?

Rehearsals are held weekly for an hour. Individual lessons are required. In general, students who participate in the Piano Orchestra should anticipate a MINIMUM amount of practice time of 3 hours a week (with 4-6 being preferred) on the material.

The Piano Orchestra also plays for all the performances (typically 4 to 6 performances) which takes up a whole weekend for the student/family. Leading up to the performances, there are typically two other Saturdays where the students will be attending rehearsals with the cast in order to run the performance through together prior to opening night.

Do I have to take individual lessons at Music Pillars in order to be in the orchestra?

Yes. The musical scores for Musical Theater are very complex and advanced, and weekly individual lessons are required in order to set the student and the entire orchestra up to be successful.

It is safe so say that for most piano students, the music that they encounter and need to learn tends to be quite advanced compared to their method book. But we LOVE to see the students rise to the occasion, and obtain a tremendous sense of confidence as they master music complexities that they have never seen before!

Will I have a solo still?

How Much is it?

Out intention is to give every student a solo (or more than one) that is in the Piano Orchestra. We will give your student as much music as they can handle based upon their progress within the orchestra.

The fees are typically $145/month, and some software costs to have and practice with an interactive score at home in-between lessons (typically $25 for the software). All families purchase 10 tickets for $120 which they can use, give/sell to friends/family.