Ok here's the deal. There are lots of good teachers out there. Many of them have a solid combination of basic music skills as well as communication skills to help a student learn the basics. But here's the deal....no single teacher will ever be able to have the breadth of perspective of two teachers combined.   We as teachers see this every time we meet to discuss students, where they are, and their progress.


Several Teachers collaborating on a student’s progress is better than a single teacher

Teacher's don't always agree on the correct approach, and we see each other's blind spots and preferences/biases in teaching. We discuss various ways to inspire a particular student, and what's more - we both have FIRST-HAND knowledge of working with that student because we have each have one-on-one lessons with him/her. 

I'd like to pause here for a minute and let that sink in....where else can a student learn music and also get multiple perspectives and insights on a monthly basis? Where else can a student and parent get the benefit of multiple accomplished teachers and musicians sitting around talking about YOUR CHILD on an individual basis? I remember that when we first started doing this, that our studio took a little bit of heat from a couple parents because they wanted their son/daughter to just work with XYZ teacher. But once we began the conservatory rotation, and the teachers and parents saw the benefits - there was no going back. It flat out works!

It also provides a great deal of scrutiny of each teacher, because another teacher (the teacher that rotates with you) is constantly looking over your work and assignments. Imagine what improvements would happen in our education system throughout the USA if each teacher had their lesson plans and assignments reviewed by another peer on a weekly basis? Do you think that that teacher would have "fuzzy" plans? Or course not. This scrutiny has been very helpful at Music Pillars as well.  All teachers benefit from collaborating with another teacher regarding their students. 

The issue is the economics of it all (teacher's don't want to share their students for fear of losing them), not whether or not it is useful and in the best interest of the student.

Pros and Cons of a Teacher Rotation


  • Variance in Perspective given to the student

  • Teacher's bias illuminated and compensated for by another teacher

  • Continued collaboration on the best approach for a specific student: with both teachers having first-hand knowledge

  • A student is exposed to different expertise within various musical subjects

  • "Freshness" and "rejuvenation" in the teaching experience for the student by having more than one teacher


  • May lack continuity if the teachers are not communicating and collaborating well