Theater Animation, Lighting and Design
For students that want to be part of the creative process of Musical Theater -digital backdrop animation, lighting, and special affects!
Theater Animation
Students will take the digital backdrops already provided for the show, and then learn how to program, cross/fade, insert sound effects, and create banks of hot-keys on Midi controllers to bring the show to life. Students will learn on the same professional Theater Software platform Qlab that powers and runs the majority of all professional theater companies in the United States. This class is a ton of fun, and a TON of work! Writing, programming, and then producing the theater animation and set design is a tremendous resume builder for the budding student as well!
Light Show Programming and Design
But we don’t stop with animation in this class - there’s more! While designing the animation - you will also learn to program the intricate lighting show for every second of the show! Come learn how to program and create fantastic light shows using Chauvet ShowExpress and our professional lighting systems. Students will learn the current Musical Theater Show - attend meetings with the Theater Director, and then have specialized classes where they will incorporate and write the programming to have all of the lights match the mood, look, and animation that is going on with the actors and the digital backdrops!